Mastering Marketing: How to Build a Strong Personal Brand and Win More Clients

Your brand. Yes. Your personal brand. It starts there.

It is everything you do to influence the experience someone has with you and your business. Anything you offer that someone can see, hear, touch, smell or taste will dictate how they feel about you.

It is every email and text you send.

Every phone conversation.

Every ad you run.

Every post you share.

The cookies you bake before showings.

The magic of the stager you hire.

Every one of these matters, and you understand because you live it!

When clients experience the home sale process, you witness the emotions experienced by your clients. Feelings rule the experience.

Here’s the kicker, all of what you just read is marketing for your personal brand.

Top of the funnel marketing (TOFU)

Let’s focus on the time BEFORE a potential client speaks to you or signs up on your landing page. When potential clients are not quite sure, and they’re asking questions.

Every agent who’s serious about their craft wants to be top of mind, at the right time and place, when potential clients are considering things. But to do that, it takes planning and consistent work to build, execute, learn and revise.

That’s why as we inch closer to 2025, I want to share these essential marketing priorities, and offer a free step-by-step resource to help.

Marketing Priority No. 1: Build a strong online presence

In today’s digital-first world, potential clients are likely researching you online before ever reaching out.

Your personal brand needs to be incorporated into everything; including your website or landing page, your social media profiles and when you engage with people, your Google My Business profile, any social forums, your partnerships, when you engage with positive and negative reviewers, and even when you engage with competitors!

Every interaction online is an opportunity. Plant the seeds that will future proof your personal brand. The great thing is if you build it consistently up front, it will compound over time.

Marketing Priority No. 2: Embrace content marketing and video

This is everything you publish on the internet that contributes to you being perceived as a locally trusted expert.

This is the future. As the internet becomes flooded with regurgitated content because of AI, your unique perspective and voice on topics relevant to your target client and the services you provide, will set you apart from your competitors.

Blogging is not dead. It remains a valuable strategy. But, short and long form video content is consumed considerably more than blog content on social media and YouTube.

Two big advantages to producing this content is it’s evergreen, and that translates into ongoing impressions and clicks – two valuable marketing metrics. And, it can easily be shared on multiple platforms.

Providing value to potential clients before you even know who they are is always a winner.

Marketing Priority No. 3: Track your marketing and adjust

Speaking of metrics, you must track your marketing efforts. The only way to know what’s truly working, versus what you “think is working”, is to track it.

Track meaningful metrics like; impressions, clicks, sessions, key events, completed form fills and transactions. Track these key performance metrics (KPIs) consistently over time, by week or month to avoid getting overwhelmed.

Build a personal 2025 marketing plan–free eBook and tools to help you win

Here’s a free eBook that offers step-by-step instructions on how to build your own marketing plan for 2025. Your plan will be based on your level of marketing experience, your budget, and provide you with the most appropriate strategies and tactics to use. 

For more information, visit  

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